What we do

Climex is a leader in the market for energy contracts and emissions certificates. In addition to providing an efficiently organised marketplace, we are a partner for sustainable energy procurement and conduct energy management activities. Our services are developed for large-scale consumers who want to stay at the forefront of the fast-moving energy landscape.


Since the emergence of the emissions market Climex has been an internationally leading marketplace for sellers and buyers of green certificates and emissions rights. Through our auction platform and in direct trading, public and private-sector parties can increase the sustainability of their electricity and compensate their CO2 emissions reliably and transparently.

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Climex knows its way around the Dutch energy market, having been active on that market for over a decade. We use this knowledge and experience to help large-scale energy consumers such as corporate services organisations, local authorities and provincial governments to improve their energy procurement and make their energy consumption more sustainable.

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Climex helps public and private-sector parties save energy and use smart applications to manage their energy connections and energy consumption. Efficient energy management starts with a profound and centrally accessible energy administration.

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