
Since the emergence of the emissions market Climex has been an internationally leading marketplace for sellers and buyers of green certificates and emissions rights. Through our auction platform and in direct trading, public and private-sector parties can increase the sustainability of their electricity and compensate their CO2 emissions reliably and transparently.

Public and private-sector parties choosing green electricity through Climex know exactly what renewable energy facilities their electricity comes from. This electricity may come from specific windmills in the Netherlands or elsewhere in Europe, or from solar panels, biomass or hydroelectric power stations.

We facilitate transactions for the following products:

  • VERs       (Verified CO2 Emissions Reduction certificates for compensation of CO2 emissions)
  • GOs         (Guarantees of Origin, or sustainable electricity certificates)
  • EUAs      (European Union Allowances, or emissions rights)
  • CERs      (Certified Emission Reductions, or emissions rights)

You can use our CO2 Calculator to calculate your organisation’s CO2 emissions.